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Tim is a stone carver, sculptor, and stonemason based near Cambridge, UK. He has a passion for transforming stone into art, using his hands, traditional tools, modern technology, and imagination.


Tim’s journey with stone began with an apprenticeship at Wells Cathedral Stonemasons in Somerset, where he learned the craft of architectural masonry in a traditional setting. He was awarded a Heritage Skills Bursary by the National Trust to enable him to further his training.


During his apprenticeship, Tim completed his NVQ3 in banker masonry and his NVQ3 in heritage stonemasonry at the City of Bath College.


He then moved back to East Anglia, where he worked on various restoration and new build projects including Ely Cathedral, King’s College Library, and Downing College amongst others.


Tim’s artistic flair led him to explore his own creative style, carving bespoke pieces for private collectors, creating installation art in stone with other artists, and taking on commissions for unique portraits and one-of-a-kind sculptures.


He was recently awarded a graduate diploma in Historic Stone Carving from the City and Guilds of London Art School, where he spent two years refining his artistic vision and techniques.


Tim also collaborated with the Portland Sculpture and Quarry Trust, a charity that promotes the use of stone as a medium for artistic expression and environmental education and he is also a Yeoman of the Worshipful Company of Masons, a historic livery company that supports the craft of masonry and its practitioners.


My Vision


"My sculptural work is inspired by my experiences and interactions with people, places and things, in a fast-paced, ever-changing and all too often disposable world.

Capturing these fleeting observations in the timeless medium of stone is my antidote."   ̶   Tim Bates 


~ In Dust We Trust ~

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